Letters from Carmen Ministries Mentees

“There were many Thursday nights that I sat in that room and was told what I needed to hear and not what I wanted to hear. I thank you for the time and I want to continue to hear from you and keep in touch. I want positive people in my life to help build me up and you are one of them. Till next time please pray for me.

– Nicholas

Letters from the Boys helped by Carmen Ministries

As you read these excerpts, you will see that these young men have such a desire to succeed. We can see them grasping for hope and wisdom. Their fear is always that they will fall back into sin and end up back in the system. Their biggest challenge is to find positive role models – someone they can turn to in their time of need.

Carmen Ministries’ goal is to continue to mentor them and to help them find the things in their lives that offer them encouragement and allow them to contribute positively to their communities.

Please continue to pray for them and for our ministry, so we are able to provide them with the skills they need to live productive, happy lives.

I Wish You Could See Some of the Things God Is Doing in This Place.

“Tell the brothers I send my love and encourage them to continue to pray and thank God for everything, remembering that their healing is in their praise. So “Praise God until praise becomes you!”

I’m getting my life back.

“There were many Thursday nights that I sat in that room and was told what I needed to hear and not what I wanted to hear. I thank you for the time and I want to continue to hear from you and keep in touch.”

By the Grace of God I am staying sober.

“Dear Pops, "I said I would write so here I am. I am at Bo-Robinson Assignment Center. I have to do three months here before I go to the halfway house. To say the least, the temptation is very real here. There are a lot of bad things that surround me, but by the Grace...

I’m still patiently waiting for my miracle.

“I got the large print Bible you sent me. It’s a beautiful Bible and I thank you so much. It’s a blessing, especially for my eyes!”

I can’t wait to go home and spend time with my loved ones.

“Yeah, Pops I’m in this lock up, sometimes I go through it, but God always comes and lifts me up. Thanks be to God and you guys who always keep me in your prayers.”

I want to thank Him so much for all He has done for me.

“I also want to thank you, Pops, for coming out every week and loving us more than you love yourself. A lot of our families and friends gave up on us but you didn’t. You’ve been a great Father and I want to be just like you.”

I want to help people who are doing the same thing I was doing.

“I know I was wrong and I want to help people who are doing the same thing I was doing.”

I need help. I need a spiritual mentor because I feel lost.

“I need someone to help me along this journey. I’m trying to get myself onto the right path and I have the right mind to succeed, but I need some real support. I can’t do it alone. I need positive role models to help me through this – a mentor and father figure.”

My life changed because of this event.

“My life changed because of this event, and I’m determined to have some good come out of this terrible deed. I’ve never had a good relationship with my biological father and our relationship continues to deteriorate.”

God has been so incredible. I just can’t believe the incredible healing.

“For me, the definition of hell is having an understanding of how much God loves you but rejecting that love, so there’s only suffering and the loss of an immeasurable amount of love. Now I just soak and bask in the infinite love of His glory. I’ve never known love such as this.”

And our young men pray…

Prayer Requests


  • Pray that I could be a King like David and not allow myself to sell myself short in life. Pray for me to have more faith in God and to learn to not put limitations on myself.
  • I want you to pray for me when I get out to stay on the right track and not to get sucked back onto the streets and focus on my dreams.
  • Pray for me to get a good job when I return home and to make sure I stay on the right track and don’t go back to the streets.
  • My prayer is to be free and have a great life.
  • To go home and do the right things and stay out of trouble.
  • To be successful in life when I go home and make the right decisions.
  • To be successful and to be a good man and a role model to my family.

The names in the letters from Carmen Ministries Mentees may have been omitted to provide anonymity. Every effort has been made to preserve the original intent of the message.