Help Someone in Need
You can transform lives for families around New Jersey. Every single penny you donate to Carmen Ministries will help bring a young man to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
Make a secure, one-time or recurring donation through PayPal online or mail your donation to:
Carmen Ministries
PO Box 421, Hackettstown, NJ 07840-0421.
The Carmen Ministries Mission
Establish a presence in all state and county juvenile facilities in New Jersey whereby offenders have the opportunity to attend weekly Bible Study sessions and participate in one-on-one Christian mentoring
Make a difference in someone’s life!
12/20/21: We are in the process of changing the car donation program. In the meantime, if you are interested in donating a vehicle, please send an email to for assistance.
Carmen Ministries needs your help by providing vehicles to the boys.
Who can get involved?


Business Owners